Saturday, 10 January 2015

Big Garden Birdwatch 2015

So it’s that time of the year again! 

The Big Garden Birdwatch is a brilliant way to see how wildlife is doing across the UK. About half a million people got involved last year and over 7 million birds were recorded. This has been going on for 35 years so the information collected can be compared to the past 35 years of results and see how wildlife across the UK is changing.    

It's incredibly simple to take part, just spend an hour in your garden between the 24-25th January and count which species of birds you see and the highest number of each species that can be seen at the same time! 

You don't need to be a member to take part; you can either register for a free pack to be sent to you or download one online at: RSPB BGBW 

This is a great activity to do with children, especially as it gets them outdoors and interested in nature! There are instructions of how to make bird feeders on the website in order to attract birds to your garden. Or just have look around on the internet there are LOADS of tutorials of things to make. It can get a bit messy depending on which ones you do, however I know from experience that kids love getting their hands dirty and it really is a great way in getting them involved with nature.

Don't let the fact that there may not be many birds in your garden stop you from getting involved. What isn't there can be just as big of an indicator as what is there! 

And it’s not just about counting birds! The RSPB aren't just interested in birds, but in all of nature. So there is also a section for badgers, squirrels, deer and a few others... 

So 'Count the Wildlife that's Counting on You!'

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